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Getting Started File Course Syllabus and Schedule
FOR INSTRUCTORS: Using This Template and Additional Resources Page For Instructors: Testing
Module 1: The Era of Reconstruction, 1865–1877 Page FOR INSTRUCTORS: Important Guidelines for Using This Template

PLEASE READ: This page contains information about some best practices for using this template.

URL Chapter 1.0 Introduction
URL Chapter 1.1 Restoring the Union
URL Chapter 1.2 Congress and the Remaking of the South, 1865–1866
URL Chapter 1.3 Radical Reconstruction, 1867–1872
URL Chapter 1.4 The Collapse of Reconstruction
URL Chapter 1 Key Terms
URL Chapter 1 Summary
URL Chapter 1 Review Questions
URL Chapter 1 Critical Thinking Questions
File Module 1 PowerPoint
Module 2: Go West Young Man! Westward Expansion, 1840-1900 URL Chapter 2 Introduction
URL Chapter 2.1 The Westward Spirit
URL Chapter 2.2 Homesteading: Dreams and Realities
URL Chapter 2.3 Making a Living in Gold and Cattle
URL Chapter 2.4 The Assault on American Indian Life and Culture
URL Chapter 2.5 The Impact of Expansion on Chinese Immigrants and Hispanic Citizens
URL Chapter 2 Key Terms
URL Chapter 2 Summary
URL Chapter 2 Review Questions
URL Chapter 2 Critical Thinking Questions
File Module 2 PowerPoint
Module 3: Industrialization, 1870-1900 & The Growing Pains of Urbanization, 1870-1900 URL Chapter 3 Introduction
URL Chapter 3.1 Inventors of the Age
URL Chapter 3.2 From Invention to Industrial Growth
URL Chapter 3.3 Building Industrial America on the Backs of Labor
URL Chapter 3.4 A New American Consumer Culture
URL Chapter 3 Key Terms
URL Chapter 3 Summary
URL Chapter 3 Review Questions
URL Chapter 3 Critical Thinking Questions
URL Chapter 4 Introduction
URL Chapter 4.1 Urbanization and Its Challenges
URL Chapter 4.2 The African American “Great Migration” and New European Immigration
URL Chapter 4.3 Relief from the Chaos of Urban Life
URL Chapter 4.4 Change Reflected in Thought and Writing
URL Chapter 4 Key Terms
URL Chapter 4 Summary
URL Chapter 4 Review Questions
URL Chapter 4 Critical Thinking Questions
File Module 3 PowerPoints
Module 4: Politics in the Gilded Age, 1870-1900 URL Chapter 5 Introduction
URL Chapter 5.1 Political Corruption in Postbellum America
URL Chapter 5.2 The Key Political Issues: Patronage, Tariffs, and Gold
URL Chapter 5.3 Farmers Revolt in the Populist Era
URL Chapter 5.4 Social and Labor Unrest in the 1890s
URL Chapter 5 Key Terms
URL Chapter 5 Summary
URL Chapter 5 Review Questions
URL Chapter 5 Critical Thinking Questions
File Module 4 PowerPoint
Module 5: Leading the Way: The Progressive Movement, 1890-1920 URL Chapter 6 Introduction
URL Chapter 6.1 The Origins of the Progressive Spirit in America
URL Chapter 6.2 Progressivism at the Grassroots Level
URL Chapter 6.3 New Voices for Women and African Americans
URL Chapter 6.4 Progressivism in the White House
URL Chapter 6 Key Terms
URL Chapter 6 Summary
URL Chapter 6 Review Questions
URL Chapter 6 Critical Thinking Questions
File Module 5 PowerPoint
Module 6: Age of Empire: American Foreign Policy, 1890-1914 URL Chapter 7 Introduction
URL Chapter 7.1 Turner, Mahan, and the Roots of Empire
URL Chapter 7.2 The Spanish-American War and Overseas Empire
URL Chapter 7.3 Economic Imperialism in East Asia
URL Chapter 7.4 Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” Foreign Policy
URL Chapter 7.5 Taft’s “Dollar Diplomacy”
URL Chapter 7 Key Terms
URL Chapter 7 Summary
URL Chapter 7 Review Questions
URL Chapter 7 Critical Thinking Questions
File Module 6 PowerPoint
Module 7: Americans in the Great War, 1914-1919 URL Chapter 8 Introduction
URL Chapter 8.1 American Isolationism and the European Origins of War
URL Chapter 8.2 The United States Prepares for War
URL Chapter 8.3 A New Home Front
URL Chapter 8.4 From War to Peace
URL Chapter 8.5 Demobilization and Its Difficult Aftermath
URL Chapter 8 Key Terms
URL Chapter 8 Summary
URL Chapter 8 Review Questions
URL Chapter 8 Critical Thinking Questions
File Module 7 PowerPoint
Midterm Assessment/Additional Exam Module Page FOR INSTRUCTORS: Adding a Midterm Assessment or Additional Exam

INSTRUCTORS: Read this page for information about adding a midterm assessment or additional exam. Delete or hide this page before course launches.

Page Exam Information and Instructions

Module 8: The Jazz Age: Redefining the Nation, 1919-1929 URL Chapter 9 Introduction
URL Chapter 9.1 Prosperity and the Production of Popular Entertainment
URL Chapter 9.2 Transformation and Backlash
URL Chapter 9.3 A New Generation
URL Chapter 9.4 Republican Ascendancy: Politics in the 1920s
URL Chapter 9 Key Terms
URL Chapter 9 Summary
URL Chapter 9 Review Questions
URL Chapter 9 Critical Thinking Questions
File Module 8 PowerPoint
Module 9: Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? The Great Depression, 1929-1932 URL Chapter 10 Introduction
URL Chapter 10.1 The Stock Market Crash of 1929
URL Chapter 10.2 President Hoover’s Response
URL Chapter 10.3 The Depths of the Great Depression
URL Chapter 10.4 Assessing the Hoover Years on the Eve of the New Deal
URL Chapter 10 Key Terms
URL Chapter 10 Summary
URL Chapter 10 Review Questions
URL Chapter 10 Critical Thinking Questions
File Module 9 PowerPoint
Module 10: Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1941 URL Chapter 11 Introduction
URL Chapter 11.1 The Rise of Franklin Roosevelt
URL Chapter 11.2 The First New Deal
URL Chapter 11.3 The Second New Deal
URL Chapter 11 Key Terms
URL Chapter 11 Summary
URL Chapter 11 Review Questions
URL Chapter 11 Critical Thinking Questions
Module 11: Fighting the Good Fight in World War II, 1941-1945 URL Chapter 12 Introduction
URL Chapter 12.1 The Origins of War: Europe, Asia, and the United States
URL Chapter 12.2 The Home Front
URL Chapter 12.3 Victory in the European Theater
URL Chapter 12.4 The Pacific Theater and the Atomic Bomb
URL Chapter 12 Key Terms
URL Chapter 12 Summary
URL Chapter 12 Review Questions
URL Chapter 12 Critical Thinking Questions
File Module 11 PowerPoint
Module 12: Post-War Prosperity and Cold War Fears, 1945-1960 URL Chapter 13 Introduction
URL Chapter 13.1 The Challenges of Peacetime
URL Chapter 13.2 The Cold War
URL Chapter 13.3 The American Dream
URL Chapter 13.4 Popular Culture and Mass Media
URL Chapter 13.5 The African American Struggle for Civil Rights
URL Chapter 13 Key Terms
URL Chapter 13 Summary
URL Chapter 13 Review Questions
URL Chapter 13 Critical Thinking Questions
File Module 12 PowerPoint
Module 13: Contesting Futures: America in the 1960s URL Chapter 14 Introduction
URL Chapter 14.1 The Kennedy Promise
URL Chapter 14.2 Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society
URL Chapter 14.3 The Civil Rights Movement Marches On
URL Chapter 14.4 Challenging the Status Quo
URL Chapter 14 Key Terms
URL Chapter 14 Summary
URL Chapter 14 Review Questions
URL Chapter 14 Critical Thinking Questions
File Module 13 PowerPoint
Module 14: Political Storms at Home and Abroad, 1968-1980 URL Chapter 15 Introduction
URL Chapter 15.1 Identity Politics in a Fractured Society
URL Chapter 15.2 Coming Apart, Coming Together
URL Chapter 15.3 Vietnam: The Downward Spiral
URL Chapter 15.4 Watergate: Nixon’s Domestic Nightmare
URL Chapter 15.5 Jimmy Carter in the Aftermath of the Storm
URL Chapter 15 Key Terms
URL Chapter 15 Summary
URL Chapter 15 Review Questions
URL Chapter 15 Critical Thinking Questions
File Module 14 PowerPoint
Module 15: From Cold War to Culture Wars, 1980-2000 & The Challenges of the Twenty-First Century URL Chapter 16 Introduction
URL Chapter 16.1 The Reagan Revolution
URL Chapter 16.2 Political and Cultural Fusions
URL Chapter 16.3 A New World Order
URL Chapter 16.4 Bill Clinton and the New Economy
URL Chapter 16 Key Terms
URL Chapter 16 Summary
URL Chapter 16 Review Questions
URL Chapter 16 Critical Thinking Questions
URL Chapter 17 Introduction
URL Chapter 17.1 The War on Terror
URL Chapter 17.2 The Domestic Mission
URL Chapter 17.3 New Century, Old Disputes
URL Chapter 17.4 Hope and Change
URL Chapter 17 Key Terms
URL Chapter 17 Summary
URL Chapter 17 Review Questions
URL Chapter 17 Critical Thinking Questions
File Module 15 PowerPoints
Final Exam/Final Project Module Page Instructions for Adding the Final Assessment

INSTRUCTORS: Read this page for information about adding a final assessment. Delete or hide this page before course launches.