Week 9 Activity
This assignment evaluates the following student´s outcomes as related to our curse goal:
Course Goal:
WRITE sentences and paragraphs on familiar topics in order to communicate personal needs.
SLO:-4.3 Ask and answer questions in the target language in a written format.
Mi comida favorita
Context: You are talking with an exchange student from Spain and both are discussing food traditions and preferences.
Instructions: Respond to the email and ask a few questions that you might have.
¿Qué cenas en un día típico?
¿Qué cenas en una ocasión especial?
Si sales a cenar, ¿adónde te gusta ir?
¿Con qué frecuencia sales a cenar?
¿Cuál es tu postre favorito?
¿Te gustan los mariscos? ¿ a prefieres las carnes?
Turning the assignment in.
Upload a word document or pdf to with your responses. Title the assignment LastNameFirstName1026
Grade: 25 points