Week 5 Activity
Completion requirements
This assignment evaluates the following student outcomes, as related to our course goal.
This assignment evaluates the following student outcomes, as related to our course goal.
Students will be able to:
text to respond to questions and make decisions based on the readings
- SLO: 3.1 Read short, simple texts in the target language and find predictable information and vocabulary in familiar contexts.
Using the following calendar (see attached word document) respond to the questions below and answer the following questions.
- When is Fiesta de todos los Santos?
- When is Vacaciones de Navidad (write out all of the dates)?
- When is Fiesta del Trabajo?
- When in Fin de clases?
- When is Vacaciones de Semana Santa?
- When is Fiesta Nacional de España?
Here is an example of how all responses should look.
Pregunta (question): When is the Inico curso Ed info, Pri, EE?
Respuesta (answer) : lunes, el 12 de septiembre, 2016
Turning the assignment in:
Upload a word document or pdf to with your responses. Title the assignment LastNameFirstNameSEM3
Grade: 25 points
- 30 January 2023, 1:53 PM