Module 6 Writing Assignment - Corrections (MLO 6.2)
In the Community Corrections chapter of this module, multiple different types of community corrections are addressed. Pick two of the community corrections sanctions that you find to be the most successful. For this assignment, write a paragraph about both sanctions. Describe how each sanctions is different than the others, give an example of a crime that would fall under the particular sanction, and how that offender will serve out this sanction. Be descriptive. Make sure your assignment will be well thought out and well written. Be sure to proofread your responses before submitting them.
Citation must be from the textbook. APA style, Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced. MS Word or Google Docs only. A Reference Page is required and must be separate from the body of the essay.
This assignment addresses course outcome(s) X and module learning objective(s) X [linked to syllabus]. [Provide clear instructions, both
for how the students should complete and format the assignment as well
as information such as the naming conventions they should use and the
file format required for grading and expected response length.]
Activity completion: set to "Student must submit this activity to complete it," with expected completion date if desired.