Module 10 Assignment
Completion requirements
Respond to the question prompt below:
What would be evidence of serious competition between firms in an industry? Can you identify two highly competitive industries?
to the question prompt by submitting your typed response in no more
than a one-page double spaced document in 12 pt, Times New Roman. Your
response should be submitted by the deadline. This response will be
graded with the writing rubric. (instructional faculty should edit this
section to fit the desired expectation)
This assignment addresses the following outcomes (and potential outcomes based on responses):
- Course SLO 1: Identify the basic economic principles that serve as the foundation of economic analysis
- Course SLO 3: Analyze the economic impact of government regulation, price setting, and taxes on consumers and producers
- Course SLO 7: Analyze the performance of firms under different market structures
- Module SLO: 10.5 – Analyze restrictive practices
- Module SLO: 10.7 – Evaluate a real-world situation of possible anti-competitive and restrictive practices