Capítulo 5. ¡A Comer!
4. Lesson 46: Using direct object pronouns to refer to what we do
Objective: Manipulate sentences to avoid repetition in conversation and writing. (CO 3, 4)
In today´s lesson, we will discuss the use of direct objects and direct object pronouns in Spanish.
Student's Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:
4.3 Ask and answer questions in the target language in a written format.What to do?
1. Read 49 Sección 3: Pronombres de objeto directo in the textbook.
2. Watch vides below:- Video sobre los complementos de objeto directo.
3. Complete the following activities on Moodle:
Actividad 12.
Actividad 15. Los complementos directos
Actividad 16.
Actividad 13. ¿Los compras?
Actividad 14. La última vez
Actividad 17. Identificar el complemento directo
Actividad 18. ¡A responder!