Capítulo 3

Site: LOUIS Learning Management System
Course: Elementary Spanish I+II (6 credit hours)
Book: Capítulo 3
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Date: Thursday, January 23, 2025, 4:06 AM


Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
  1. Discuss everyday activities (CO 1)
  2. Express obligation and necessity  (CO 1)
  3. Ask and provide information  (CO 1)
  4. Describe likes, dislikes, and preferences  (CO 1, 4)
  5. Discuss cultural, historic, economic, and geographic information about Mexico (CO 5)

1. Lección 24: Describing daily activities

In today's lesson we will learn how to discuss everyday activities and conjugate regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs. 

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:

-Discuss everyday activities (CO 1)

1.1 Ask and answer questions and participate in simple conversations related to real life

1.2 Exchange information on a variety of topics concerning daily life including personal relationships, entertainment, shopping, travel, and health.

3.1 Read short, simple texts in the target language and find predictable information and vocabulary in familiar contexts.

What to do?

1. Read Sección 1: Las actividades diarias in the textbook.

2. Watch  .

3. Complete the following activities: 

4. For more practice, complete activities in Pressbooks: 

  • Actividad 2. ¿Quién es? 
  • Actividad 4. ¿Qué hacen?
  • Actividad 5. Preguntas personales
  • Actividad 6. Habilidades
  • Actividad 7. Encuestra
  • Actividad 8. Las actividades de los estudiantes
  • Actividad 9. ¿Qué significa?
  • Actividad 10. ¿Y tú?
  • Actividad 11. El horario
  • Actividad 12. Preguntas personales
  • Actividad 13. La familia de Álex
  • Actividad 14. Eres lo que haces
  • Actividad 15. Mis actividades diarias

5. Practice Questions: Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing.

  • ¿Qué haces los sábados?
  • ¿Qué hace tu mamá los fines de semana?
  • ¿Tú estudias español o chino?

2. Lección 25: Expressing likes, dislikes and preferences

In today's lesson we will be learning how to discuss our likes, dislikes, and preferences. 

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:

Describe likes, dislikes, and preferences  (CO 1, 4)

1.1 Ask and answer questions and participate in simple conversations related to real life

1.2 Exchange information on a variety of topics concerning daily life including personal relationships, entertainment, shopping, travel, and health.

4.3 Ask and answer questions in the target language in a written format.

What to do?

1. Read Sección 2: Me gusta/no me gusta in the textbook.

2. Complete the following activities: 

3. For more practice, complete activities in Pressbooks: 

  • Actividad 16. ¿Te gusta o no? 
  • Actividad 18. Aguafiestas 

4. Practice Questions: Now you practice by answering the following questions orally.

  • ¿Qué te gusta hacer los fines de semana?
  • ¿Qué no te gusta hacer?
  • ¿Te gusta leer libros?
  • ¿Te gustan las cucarachas?
  • ¿A tu mamá le gustan los postres?

3. Lección 26: Expressing obligation and necessity

In today's lesson we will learn how to express obligation and necessity using the verbs tener, hacer, deber and necesitar.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:

Express obligation and necessity  (CO 1)

1.1 Ask and answer questions and participate in simple conversations related to real life

1.2 Exchange information on a variety of topics concerning daily life including personal relationships, entertainment, shopping, travel, and health.

What to do?

1. Read Sección 3: Necesidades y obligaciones in the textbook.

2. Watch 

3. Complete the following activities: 

4. For more practice, complete activities in Pressbooks: 

  • Actividad 19. Cosas que hacer
  • Actividad 20. ¿Qué tienen que hacer los estudiantes?
  • Actividad 21. ¿Qué tienes que hacer?
  • Actividad 22. Lista de obligaciones

5. Practice Questions: Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing. 

  • ¿Qué tienes que hacer tú este fin de semana?
  • ¿Qué hay que hacer para ser un buen estudiante?
  • ¿Que necesitas comprar para la fiesta?

4. Lección 27: Asking and responding to questions using interrogative words. Asking and responding to yes/no questions.

In today's lesson we will learn how to ask and provide information using interrogative words. Then we will learn how to ask and respond to yes/no questions. 

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:

Ask and provide information  (CO 1)

1.1 Ask and answer questions and participate in simple conversations related to real life

1.2 Exchange information on a variety of topics concerning daily life including personal relationships, entertainment, shopping, travel, and health.

What to do?

1. Read Sección 4: Las preguntas in the textbook.

2. Watch the video to see how to answer questions. 

3. Complete the following activities: 

4. For more practice, complete activities in Pressbooks: (list activities below)

  • Actividad 24. Preguntas personales
  • Actividad 25. Manos a la obra
  • Actividad 26. Veinte preguntas

5. Practice Questions: Now you practice by answering the following questions.

  • ¿Quién es tu mejor (best) amigo/amiga?
  • ¿Cuántos años tienes?
  • ¿Cómo te llamas?
  • ¿De dónde eres?

5. Lección 28: An Introduction to Mexico

In today’s lesson we will be learning about Mexico and Frida Kahlo. 

Objective: Discuss cultural, historic, economic, and geographic information about Mexico (CO 5)

    Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:

    5.1 Identify cultural terms, values, beliefs, and traditions of the Hispanic world.

    What to do?

    1. Read Sección 5: México in the textbook.

    2. Watch 

    3. Complete the following activities: (embed h5p activities here)

    4. Practice Questions: Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing. 

  • ¿Quién era (was) Frida Kahlo?
  • ¿De dónde es Frida Kahlo?
  • ¿Quién era (was) el esposo (husband) de Frida Kahlo?
  • ¿De qué color es la casa dónde se murió Frida Kahlo?

6. Lección 29: Reflecting about our Learning

Read Sección 7: A reflexionar in your textbook.