Capítulo 6
Site: | LOUIS Learning Management System |
Course: | Elementary Spanish I+II (6 credit hours) |
Book: | Capítulo 6 |
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Date: | Monday, January 20, 2025, 1:03 AM |
Recall vocabulary related to health and the human body. (CO 2)
Express my symptoms in the event of needing medical attention in Spanish. (CO 1)
Discuss my daily routine. (CO 1,4)
Distinguish between scenarios that require the use of a reflexive pronoun and those that do not. (CO 1, 4)
Discuss my favorite hobbies and sports. (CO 1, 3)
Recall expressions that use the verb tener. (CO 1)
Articulate my responsibilities and obligations in contrast to that which I would like to do instead. (CO 1)
Discuss cultural, geographical, and historical facts about Argentina. (CO 5)
Table of contents
- 1. Lección 54: Welcome to Chapter 6: La salud y los deportes
- 2. Lección 55: Expressing daily activities and routine
- 3. Lección 56: Practice of expressing daily activities and routine
- 4. Lección 57: Talking about sports and leisure activities
- 5. Lección 58: Expressing emotions, physical conditions and what we have to do
- 6. Lección 59: In introduction to Argentina
- 7. Lección 60: Reflecting about our Learning
1. Lección 54: Welcome to Chapter 6: La salud y los deportes
In today's lesson, we will focus on learning about life expectancy in Latin America and the Caribbean and expressing our symptoms in the event of a visit to the doctor's office. Also, we will learn about medication and natural remedies.
Student's Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:
Students will be able to:
1.2 Exchange information on a variety of topics concerning daily life including personal relationships, entertainment, shopping, travel, and health.
-Express my symptoms in the event of needing medical attention in Spanish. (CO 1)
2.1 Identify the main idea of short, simple conversations and narratives (live or recorded material) in the target language, within highly predictable and familiar contexts.
-Recall vocabulary related to health and the human body. (CO 2)
1. Read el vocabulario in Sección 1: La salud y el cuerpo humano, in the textbook.
2. Complete the following activities:
* Actividad 1. Expectativa de vida en Latinoamérica is also available in your textbook, Sección ¡A descubrir! with small format changes.
* Activity 3. Los síntomas is also available in your textbook, Sección 1: La salud y el cuerpo humano
* Actividad 4. ¿Qué medicinas vas a tomar/tomas? is also available in your textbook, Sección 1: La salud y el cuerpo humano
* Actividad 5. Los remedios caseros is also available in your textbook, Sección 1: La salud y el cuerpo humano with a small modification.
* Actividad 7. Asociaciones is also available in your textbook, Sección 1: La salud y el cuerpo humano, with small modifications
3. For more practice, complete activities in Pressbooks:
Actividad 6. Preguntas personales
4. Practice Questions: Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing and orally.
Listen to this example and after practice expressing symptoms and related information with the practice questions bellow:
¿Te duele algo? ¿Qué te duele?
¿Qué remedios caseros tomas?
2. Lección 55: Expressing daily activities and routine
In today's lesson. we will practice expressing activities that we do as part of our daily routine:We wake up and go to sleep every day. We take showers often and eat. Some of these daily activities we can already express, for example:
I eat at 7:00 PM.: Yo como a las siete de la tarde. / (comer: to eat)
Student's Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:
Students will be able to:
1.2 Exchange information on a variety of topics concerning daily life including personal relationships, entertainment, shopping, travel, and health.
4.3 Ask and answer questions in the target language in a written format.
-Discuss my daily routine. (CO 1,4)
- Distinguish between scenarios that require the use of a reflexive pronoun and those that do not. (CO 1,4)
1. Read Sección 2: Los verbos reflexivos, in the textbook.
Use these guiding questions:
What does that mean?
How are they different from previous verbs?
Can all verbs have a reflexive form?
* Notice that all reflexive verbs end with the reflexive pronoun -se. You could use that knowledge to identify whether a verb is reflexive or not.
* Actividad 8. ¡A conjugar! is also available in your textbook, Sección 2: Los verbos reflexivos
*Actividad 13. ¿Qué hacen ellos? is also available in your textbook, Sección 2: Los verbos reflexivos
3. For more practice, complete activities in Pressbooks:
Actividad 10. Tu rutina de la mañana
4. Practice Questions: Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing and orally.
Listen to this example and after practice expressing activities that you do as part of your routine with the practice questions bellow:
3. Lección 56: Practice of expressing daily activities and routine
In today's lesson, we will continue practicing expressing activities that we do as part of our daily routine orally. Also, we will practice writing a small description about our daily routine.
¿Qué haces en un día típico?
En un día típico, yo me levanto a las 7 de la mañana y voy a la universidad.
To express activities that we do, and we get the results of it, we use reflexive verbs (because the result reflects on us). Reflexive verbs allow us to express activities that we do to ourselves, such as waking up, taking a shower, etc.
Students will be able to:
1.2 Exchange information on a variety of topics concerning daily life including personal relationships, entertainment, shopping, travel, and health.
4.2 Write short compositions in the target language on a variety of familiar topics.
-Discuss my daily routine. (CO 1,4)
1. Read Sección 2: Los verbos reflexivos, in the textbook.
2. Complete the following activities:
* Actividad 11. Los productos personales is also available in your textbook, Sección 2: Los verbos reflexivos
Lesson activity: Writing a small paragraph about our daily routine
Describe tu rutina diaria: ¿Qué haces en un día típico?
* Use the following words to organize your description:
a) Think about what activities you do every day and write them down using complete sentences.
For example:
Ir: Yo voy a la universidad.
b) Organize your description.
What do you do first, second? You could also mention the time you do those activities.
- Primero, yo me levanto a las 6 de la mañana. Luego, yo desayuno.
c) Write your routine respecting writing conventions, such as starting your sentences with capital letter, using accent marks and special characters.
3. For more practice, complete activities in Pressbooks: Actividad 12. Preguntas personales Actividad 14. ¿Cómo te pones?
4. Practice Questions: Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing and orally.
4. Lección 57: Talking about sports and leisure activities
In today's lesson, we will learn more vocabulary to talk about what we do for fun, what sport we practice, etc.
¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito?
Mi deporte favorito es el baloncesto. Me encanta LeBron James.
We will also continue developing our reading skills by analyzing a short text.
Students will be able to:
3.1 Read short, simple texts in the target language and find predictable information and vocabulary in familiar contexts.
1.2 Exchange information on a variety of topics concerning daily life including personal relationships, entertainment, shopping, travel, and health.
-Discuss my favorite hobbies and sports. (CO 1, 3)
1. Read Sección 3: Los deportes y los pasatiempos in the textbook.
2. Complete the following activities:
* Actividad 19. ¿Cuál es? is also available in your textbook, Sección 3: Los deportes y los pasatiempos
* Actividad 20. La rutina diaria y los pasatiempos is also available in your textbook, Sección 3: Los deportes y los pasatiempos
* Actividad 21. Actividad de compresnsión de lectura is also available in your textbook
3. For more practice, complete activities in Pressbooks:
4. Practice Questions: Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing and orally.
1. ¿Practicas deportes? ¿Cuáles?
¿Practicas deportes? ¿Cuáles?
¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito?
5. Lección 58: Expressing emotions, physical conditions and what we have to do
In today's lesson, we will learn more vocabulary to talk about how we feel. We have already studied the verb estar to express some emotions and physical conditions:
¿Cómo estás?
Estoy cansada.
Students will be able to:
1.2 Exchange information on a variety of topics concerning daily life including personal relationships, entertainment, shopping, travel, and health.
-Recall expressions that use the verb tener. (CO 1)
-Articulate my responsibilities and obligations in contrast to that which I would like to do instead. (CO 1)
1. Read Sección 4: El verbo tener in the textbook.
2. Complete the following activities:
Actividad 24. ¿Cómo estoy? is also available in your textbook, Sección 4: El verbo tener
3. For more practice, complete activities in Pressbooks:
Listen to this example and after practice expressing how you feel or what you have to do:
6. Lección 59: In introduction to Argentina
In today's lesson, we will continue discovering the wonders of the Spanish-speaking world. This time, we will explore Argentina. Are you ready to Tango?
Student's Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:Students will be able to:
5.1 Identify cultural terms, values, beliefs, and traditions of the Hispanic world.
-Discuss cultural, geographical, and historical facts about Argentina. (CO 5)
1. Read Sección Cultura: Argentina in your textbook.
2. Complete the following activities:
* Actividad 26. Argentina is also available in your textbook, Sección Cultura: Argentina
* Actividad 27. Las cataratas del Iguazú is also available in your textbook, Sección Cultura: Argentina
3. Practice Questions: Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing and orally.
¿Es el flamenco una danza típica de este país?
¿Qué toman los argentinos?
¿Cuáles son algunas de las maravillas geográficas de este país?
7. Lección 60: Reflecting about our Learning
Congratulations on making it to the end of Chapter 6!
In today´s lesson, we will go over content from Chapter 6 and reflect about our learning.
What to do?1. Read Sección : A reflexionar! in the textbook
2. Complete the following activities:
The can-do statements on la Sección : A reflexionar! to identify what you can do or cannot yet do in Spanish.