20 Years Discussion
Completion requirements
Post your 20 Years PowerPoint assignment here and respond to your classmates' PowerPoint submissions.
This writing assignment aligns with course level objectives 1-7 and module level objectives 1-14.
Post your 20 Years PowerPoint assignment here and respond to your classmates' PowerPoint submissions.
You will present/post your research to the class using PowerPoint on the Discussion Board. The PowerPoint presentation should be an outline of your main points that you explain and expand on in speaker notes to the class.
Outcome: Students will have an in-depth knowledge of one topic in modern history. They will also benefit from peer research during class presentations.
Learning Expectation: Students will use their research skills to find appropriate sources for a presentation on an issue/event in modern history. They will use their writing skills and creativity to make an engaging PowerPoint presentation that will educate their peers about their chosen issue/event.
This writing assignment aligns with course level objectives 1-7 and module level objectives 1-14.
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