Module # Discussion Forum
Connected to these module goals:
Understand historical definitions of beauty.
Understand the difference between liking and universal standards of beauty.
Connected to this course learning objective:Be familiar with the concepts of the various philosophers, philosophical traditions and philosophical periods we have studied;
*Understand historical definitions of beauty.
*Understand the difference between liking and universal standards of beauty.
Forum Instructions
Revisit Plato’s “On the Value of art and Imitation” and focus on the following: his method of argumentation and the role of Glaucon, and the larger point he is making on art and usefulness.
In a two-part post, one that is at least four-hundred words and references specifics, first consider how Plato constructs his argument, what type of argumentative structure he uses, and the role of the other speaker in his argument.
Then, in the second part, analyze one the following example regarding art and trade that he uses: the “brass and leather” worker, “the painter,” or “the flute player” (OVAI 1/3). Find this passage in the reading, and provide a little analysis for what he is stating about the difference between these professions. How does this example correlate to his larger argument?
In addition, do provide a short response (at least fifty words) to a fellow classmate on their post. Engage with their ideas in some substantive way.