Social Movements
This prompt, assess(es) course outcome(s) 5 and 6 module learning objective(s) 3, 4 and 5. You must respond to (2) of your classmates' posts. After you post a response, you will be able to see other responses. You are not required to post more than once, but feel free to respond to other posts and engage with your classmates[Edit previous three sentences to suit forum function/requirements].
Your [first] post is due on [day of week] by [time] CST. Your response to another student is due on [day of week] by [time] CST. [Adjust for number of posts required.]
Your initial post should be at least 200 words long. Your responses to other students' posts should be at least 50 words. A simple “I agree” or “Yes” or “LOL” will not count. Please think about the questions and your peers' responses and reply thoughtfully and courteously, according to netiquette rules. Use good English grammar, correct punctuation, and complete sentences. While the posts will mostly be judged by their thoughtfulness and completeness, I reserve the right to take off points for grammatical errors, especially if they interfere with the clarity of the post.