• There are 16 Module Quizzes and each quiz is worth. 25 points each. These quizzes are 25 Question Multiple Choice and True False quizzes and are scored at 1 point per question. These quizzes are automatically graded.
  • There are 16 eTextbook "Let’s Test Your Knowledge Questions" sections at the end of each chapter in your etextbook. These sections require you to complete five questions and submit your responses. Completion of these sections will award you 10 points for each chapter.
  • There are 16 Weekly Ethics Activity Discussion Forums worth 15 points each. Each week you will have a discussion to respond to that explores ethical or unethical business practices. You must respond to all question prompts. You will also discuss your classmates’ responses. A discussion rubric can be found in the Getting Started section of the Moodle shell.
  • There are 16 Group Case Study Assignments worth 15 points each. Each week you will work in a group to explore a case study, which will require you to each research the topic or case and respond to questions in which you apply concepts discussed that week to your case. You must respond to all question prompts.

[Keep as a placeholder for future adopters to enter grading scale.]

Last modified: Sunday, August 14, 2022, 2:18 PM