Assignments will usually be returned within one week of the due date. This is subject to change, and will be noted by your instructor. 

The following grading scale applies:

97%−100% = A+
93%–96% = A
90%–92% = A-
87%–89% = B+
83%–86% = B
80%–82% = B-
77%–79% = C+
73%–76% = C
70%–72% = C-
67%–69% = D+
63%–66% = D
60%–62% = D-
0%–59% = F

Discussion Forums

In alternating modules, you will participate in a discussion forum where you will be required to start a discussion and then respond to one of your classmates. Click on the forum title in each module, where you will find a prompt asking you to demonstrate critical thinking about the concepts presented in the module. Each discussion forum activity is worth 6 points. 

You are encouraged to post your substantive comments as soon as possible.

·         Your first entry should be a “substantive comment” :  a well-constructed, thoughtful, independent comment of one full paragraph or more.

·         Your second entry should be a “responsive comment” :   a well-constructed, thoughtful, independent but shorter response to the substantive comment of another discussant. 

Submission Guidelines

Your contributions should be thoughtful, concise, and address the prompt fully.  Responses should be in paragraph form as opposed to bullet points. Your response should be at least three sentences long. This includes responses to other students' posts. A simple “I agree” or “Yes” or “LOL” will not count. Please think about the questions and your peers' responses and reply thoughtfully and courteously, according to netiquette rules. Use good English grammar, correct punctuation, and complete sentences. While the posts will mostly be judged by their thoughtfulness and completeness, I reserve the right to take off points for grammatical errors, especially if they interfere with the clarity of the post


To Submit:

1.      Click on the Icon for the Module's forum. That gets you in to the assignment. 

2.      Click on the instructor's post labeled with the name of the assignment. That will take you to the prompt. 

3.      Click on the REPLY option at the bottom. That will take you to the spot where you can reply to the instructor's prompt. 

4.      Wait one hour. You will not be able to see your classmates' posts until one hour after you have responded to your instructor's original prompt.

5.      Read your fellow students' responses and choose one to react to in the same way you answered the original prompt. 

Grading Rubric

The following rubric is a sample of what is expected in both original and response posts.


This criterion is linked to learning outcome # _[Discretion of Instructor]_

The question was not answered or the answer was incorrect.


The question is partially answered but there is little in the way of example and detail.


The question is partially answered but there clear examples and detail.

 1.5 points

The question is answered completely and accurately with detail and examples from readings and videos.

2 points        


Video Assignments

Purpose of the Assignment

Video assignments will address an aspect of the dance you are studying in Modules 1 - 7. They require you to use the knowledge you have acquired through readings and watching video to create and perform a dance. You will be given clear and detailed instructions for the construction and/or performance of the dance.  Follow the assignment instructions precisely to compose the work.



In order to use Panopto you must first "provision the course".  To do that go to course tools in the Intro course Moodle. About half way down the center of the page you will see Panopto and an option to provision the course. Click on it. Once you have done that you should be able to upload your videos. The course only needs to be provisioned one time.


Click on the assignment title in the module, where you will find instructions for completing and submitting your assignment. Dances can be videoed on your smart phone.


Submission Guidelines

All assignments should be submitted directly into Moodle using Panopto. Detailed directions for submissions are included with each assignment.


Grading Rubric

This criterion is linked to learning outcome # _[Discretion of Instructor]_

The video was not submitted or the dance was utterly incorrect. 


The dance is partially complete and partially accurate..


The dance is complete and partially accurate.



The dance is complete and accurate,


Journal Reflections
In Modules 1 - 7 you will be asked to respond to a prompt in a journal exercise that addresses some aspect of your video assignment for that module or reflects on the process of choreography and performance. This activity is meant to be reflective and somewhat personal, so these posts are not visible to your classmates. Only your instructor will read what you write. Click on the journal title in each module, and you will find the page where you can type your entry.
Submission Guidelines
Reflections should be thoughtful and subjective. Respond in paragraph form as opposed to bullet points. Your response should be at least three sentences long or 100 words.   Use good English grammar, correct punctuation, and complete sentences. While the posts will mostly be judged by their thoughtfulness and completeness, I reserve the right to take off points for grammatical errors, especially if they interfere with the clarity of the post.
Due Dates
Journal reflections are due on Friday evenings by 11:59 pm CST.
Grading Rubric

This criterion is linked to learning outcome # _[Discretion of Instructor]_

The question was not answered.


The question is partially answered and some amount of detail  is present.

 .5 points


The question is partially answered and some amount of detail  is present.

1 points 

The question is answered completely. 


2 points        

Written Assignments
Purpose of the Assignment
Written assignments will address an aspect of the dance you are studying in Modules 2, 4, and 6. They require you to use the knowledge you have acquired through readings and video to reflect on some question regarding the dance.
Click on the assignment title in the module, where you will find instructions for completing and submitting your assignment. Responses should be approximately three paragraphs and 300-350 words in order to provide enough detail.
Submission Guidelines
All responses to written assignments should be typed directly into Moodle.
Grading Rubric

This criterion is linked to learning outcome # __[Discretion of Instructor]

The question was not answered or the answer was incorrect.


The question is partially answered but there is little in the way of example and detail.


The question is partially answered with some amount of detail but little example.


The question is partially answered with some good example but little other detail.


The questions is answered completely and accurately with detail and examples from readings and videos.


Each module contains a short quiz that will test your knowledge of the information covered in the textbook and online book. You will use this information in completing other assignments, so begin the quiz early. Click on the quiz title in each module, read the instructions, and begin your attempt. 
Timing and Takes
You can take the quiz 5 times, and you will be given 10 -15 minutes. Each quiz is worth 1 point.
Grading and Review
Your quiz will be automatically graded, and you will see your score after you submit. You will be able to review your answers when you are finished.
Midterm Exam
Purpose of the Exam
The midterm exam will assess course outcomes 1 and 2. It will address aspects of dance that you have studied in the first three modules. It requires you to use the knowledge you have acquired through readings and video to reflect on three questions regarding  dance.
Click on the exam in the midterm module to access the exam questions. Type answers directly into Moodle.  Responses should be approximately three paragraphs and 300-350 words in order to provide enough detail. Each question will be graded using the three point rubric below.
Submission Guidelines
Responses should be typed directly into Moodle.
Grading Rubric

This criterion is linked to learning outcome # _[Discretion of Instructor]_

The question was not answered or the answer was incorrect.


The question is partially answered but there is little in the way of example and detail.


The question is partially answered and some amount of detail and example is present.


The question is answered completely and accurately with detail and examples from readings and videos.

3 points         x

Midterm and Final Exam
Purpose of the Exam
The final exam will be comprehensive and assess course outcomes 1, 2, 3, and 4.  It will address aspects of dance that you have studied all semester. It requires you to use the knowledge you have acquired through readings and video to reflect on eight questions regarding  dance.
Click on the exam in the final exam module to access the exam questions. Type answers directly into Moodle.  Responses should be approximately three paragraphs and 300-350 words in order to provide enough detail. Each question will be graded using the three point rubric below.  
Submission Guidelines
Responses should be typed directly into Moodle.
Grading Rubric

This criterion is linked to learning outcome # __[Discretion of Instructor]

The question was not answered or the answer was incorrect.


The question is partially answered but there is little in the way of example and detail.


The question is partially answered and some amount of detail and example is present.


The question is answered completely and accurately with detail and examples from readings and videos.

3 points        

Last modified: Monday, January 30, 2023, 3:07 PM