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Completion requirements
Welcome to your Public Speaking course.
Before we begin, let's take a quick tour of the online classroom.
- The welcome section provides access to your instructor as well as how to contact them.
- The Getting Started Section will provide you with a course overview, including the syllabus, course calendar and course alignment which lays out how the work is connected to the course objectives. This is important to read because it is the instructor's expectation of how the class will run and gives you information on what you need to do to be successful.
- The Learner Support section provides you with access to tech support, and any additional support you might need to be successful in working through this course.
- Remember to contact Technical Support for any computer or access issues, your instructor cannot help you with these.
- Finally, all work is laid out in modules. Be sure to refer to your course calendar for all due dates. Each module has reading material, a discussion board, and there are 5 speeches that will be completed in this course.
- Be sure you understand the recording and audience requirements for each speech. Please contact your instructor with any questions
- To participate in the discussion board, click on Add Discussion Topic and post your initial response. Remember to adhere to the rules of netiquette and guidelines for submission length.
- Remember to review your grades regularly, it is your responsibility to notify your instructor if you have any questions or concerns about grading.
Remember Proper Netiquette:
Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. You are expected to follow the rules listed below when posting to the discussion area, completing online assignments, and when sending an email:
Rule #1: Avoid ALL CAPS. Typing in all caps is interpreted as yelling.
Rule #2: Be polite to your classmates, remember we are a class, and our online discussions should be respectful and encouraging.
Rule #3: When emailing, write a brief and concise description of the content of your e-mail in the subject line.
Rule #4: Always proofread your writing in emails and discussion boards. Remember to use spell check and proper grammar.
Rule #5: Begin your e-mail by stating the name of the receiver. Finish your e-mail by typing your and the course name.
Rule #6: Keep emails brief. You need to plan what you want to communicate and express it in the most concise way possible.
Rule #7: All assignments, discussion posts, and quizzes should be completed within the online course.
Last modified: Thursday, May 19, 2022, 10:57 AM