You will generally submit two types of assignments to Moodle: 

  • Discussion questions and Your Turn activities (combined in one file)
  • Major papers (final and rough drafts)

All written assignments submitted to Moodle should be saved as .doc or .docx files. The file name should consist of your last name, the first letter of your first name, and the title of the assignment. For example, if LeBron James were taking this course, his filenames would look like this:

JamesLDiscussionYourTurn.doc OR JamesLYourTurn.doc

JamesLRoughCauseEffectArgument.doc OR JamesLFinalCauseEffectArgument.doc

In your file, please type your name, the date, and the name of the assignment (for example, Discussion Questions and Your Turn Activity) at the top of the first page. For specifications on how to format major writing assignments, see the assignment sheet for each paper.

Each major paper has a clearly labeled module where you will submit both rough and final drafts of the paper. Discussion questions and Your Turn activities have assignment submission blanks within the modules to which they correspond. If you have any questions about submitting your assignments, please ask it in the Q&A section. (If you have a question about something, someone else probably will, as well!)

Last modified: Thursday, July 7, 2022, 1:40 PM