Podcast Episode: Chapter 1 Prehistory
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Episode transcript
We begin our study rightly at the beginning of mankind. In this module, we will investigate the evolution of man as far back as 8 million years ago to homo sapiens. Moving out of Africa, modern humans populated the world during the Paleolithic Era and ultimately forever changed society during the Neolithic Era. Around 8,000 BCE, the development of agriculture during the Neolithic Revolution will have intended and unintended consequences. This fascinating time in history demonstrates how humans interact with their environment. In this episode Dr. Juliet Brophy of Louisiana State University joins Lise Namikas.
This podcast episode has been produced under a CC BY NC ND license. All episodes in this series are made possible through funding from Louisiana Board of Regents eLearning Taskforce Innovation Grants Program for the project: Learn with podcasts! Creating Podcast Lectures to Enhance Dual Enrollment Students’ Engagement with History and the efforts of Lise Namikas, Christopher Gilson, Chresancio Jackson, Ryan Pierce, and Amelia Brister.Episode transcript