Podcast Episode: Chapter 8 Islam to the Mamluks
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The Islamic world began in Arabia and grew with the vision of the prophet Muhammad. The chapter outlines Muhammad's experiences and the origins of Islam. It identifies the basic characteristics of Islam, its five pillars, community, and social aspects. The chapter then explains the growth and expansion of Islam, its empire building and conquest. It explains the empire building of Muhammad, and then those who followed, specifically the Umayyads and the Abbasids. Salwa and Saif Saeed, Louisiana Delta Community College students join Lise Namikas in this episode. Lise interviews Linda Midgett, independent director and producer of 2018 film: Same God.
This podcast episode has been produced under a CC BY NC ND license. All episodes in this series are made possible through funding from Louisiana Board of Regents eLearning Taskforce Innovation Grants Program for the project: Learn with podcasts! Creating Podcast Lectures to Enhance Dual Enrollment Students’ Engagement with History and the efforts of Lise Namikas, Christopher Gilson, Chresancio Jackson, Ryan Pierce, and Amelia Brister.
Episode Transcript