Podcast Episode: Chapter 11 Central Asia
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The Mongols were a unique force in world history, as nomadic pastoralists, they still created major and impactful empires. Beginning with Genghis Khan the Mongols moved west into South Asia, the middle east, and the lands of Rus, as well as founding the Yuan empire in China. They blended with the Turkic peoples, lead with a brutal form of conquest, and gradually will adopt Islam and settle more permanently.
This podcast episode has been produced under a CC BY NC ND license. All episodes in this series are made possible through funding from Louisiana Board of Regents eLearning Taskforce Innovation Grants Program for the project: Learn with podcasts! Creating Podcast Lectures to Enhance Dual Enrollment Students’ Engagement with History and the efforts of Lise Namikas, Christopher Gilson, Chresancio Jackson, Ryan Pierce, and Amelia Brister.Episode Transcript