Module 5 Assignment
This assignment addresses course outcome(s) X and module learning objective(s)
In addition to 3-5 sentences provide, the page section of the textbook where you found your answer with each of your responses.
1. Considering the information provided about the Industrial Revolution and its progression in various countries, how would you discuss the impact of the Second Industrial Revolution on the global landscape?
2. Why do you think non-European countries like those in Africa, Latin America, and Asia(with the exception of Japan) did not industrialize during the same period as the United States and European nations? How might the identified factors have contributed to the "Great Divergence"?
3. What were the motivations and justifications behind the belief that it was the duty and right of "superior" peoples from industrialized countries to bring the benefits of Western culture to colonized nations in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific?
4. What were the experiences and impacts of colonization on the people of the Congo Free State under the rule of King Leopold II?
5. To what extent did the introduction of infectious diseases and the spread of diseases through modern means of travel contribute to the harm caused by imperialism in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific Islands?