Capítulo 8

Site: LOUIS Learning Management System
Course: Elementary Spanish I+II (6 credit hours)
Book: Capítulo 8
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Date: Thursday, January 23, 2025, 4:55 AM


In this chapter, I will:

  1. Express completed actions in the past using the preterit tense. (CO 1,3, 4)

  2. Discuss what I used to do as a child and a teenager. (CO 1, 2, 3) 

  3. Describe myself when I was younger. (CO 1, 2, 3) 

  4. Make general impersonal and passive statements. (CO 2, 4) 

  5. Distinguish between situations that require the use of por versus those that require the use of para (CO 3) 

  6. Discuss cultural, geographical, and historical facts about Panama. (CO 5) 

1. Lección 72: Welcome to Chapter 8: La niñez y la adolescencia

In today's lesson, we will introduce our oral exam guidelines. Also, we will learn about the work of an incredible Latin-American woman: Rigoberta Menchú while developing our reading skills and analyzing some grammar patterns. 

Student's Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:

3.1 Read short, simple texts in the target language and find predictable information and vocabulary in familiar contexts.

-Recall important facts about Rigoberta Menchu. (CO 3)

¿Qué hacer?
1. Lee la guia para el Examen Oral en Moodle.

2. Completa las siguientes actividades:

* La Actividad 1. Rigoberta Menchú está en la Sección ¡A descubrir! en el libro de texto.

3. Preguntas para prácticar : Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing.

¿Cuándo y dónde nació Rigoberta Menchú?
¿Dónde trabajó Rigoberta?
¿A qué organización se unió Rigoberta? ¿Para qué?

Can you identify the infinitive form of the verbs used in the questions?
Are the conjugations of these verbs following any pattern that you have learned previously?
Why do you think that is?

2. Lección 73: Expressing past events using regular verbs in the preterite tense

In today's lesson, we will introduce a simple past tense used to talk about events in the past: el pretérito

Student's Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:

1.2 Exchange information on a variety of topics concerning daily life including personal relationships, entertainment, shopping, travel, and health.

4.2 Write short compositions in the target language on a variety of familiar topics.

-Express completed actions in the past using the preterit tense. (CO 1,4)

¿Qué hacer?
1. Lee la gramática de la Sección 1: La niñez y la adolescencia,  en el libro de texto.

2. Completa las siguientes actividades:

* Make sure to include the accent marks in the conjugations! For accent marks and special characters (e.g. á, é,  í, ó, ú, ñ), go to

*-ER/-IR verbs conjugations are identical.

3. Para más práctica, completa estas actividades en Pressbook:
Actividad 2. ¿Qué hiciste? 
Actividad 4. Preguntas personales
Actividad 5. ¡A conversar! 
Actividad 6. Una entrevista
Actividad 8. ¿Cierto o falso? 

4. Preguntas para prácticar : Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing and orally

¿Qué desayunaste ayer?
*ayer: yesterday
¿Cuántos mensajes recibiste ayer?
¿Comiste comida mexicana en tu último cumpleaños?

3. Lección 74: Practicing how to Express past events using regular verbs in the preterite tense

In today's lesson, we will continue talking about events in the past using el pretérito.

Student's Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:

1.2 Exchange information on a variety of topics concerning daily life including personal relationships, entertainment, shopping, travel, and health.

4.2 Write short compositions in the target language on a variety of familiar topics.

-Express completed actions in the past using the preterit tense. (CO 1,4)

¿Qué hacer?
1. Lee los usos del pretérito/la gramática de la Sección 1: La niñez y la adolescencia,  en el libro de texto.

2. Mira el siguiente video:

* A full trascript of the previous video is available.

3. Completa las siguientes actividades:

4. Preguntas para prácticar : Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing and orally.

¿Hablaste con tu mejor amig@ la semana pasada? ¿De qué hablaron?
¿Corriste en el parque el fin de semana pasado?
¿Saliste con tus amig@s el sábado pasado?

Write a small paragraph describing what you did yesterday. Remember to use complete sentences and conjugate your verbs in the preterite.

¿Qué hiciste ayer?

Ayer yo...

4. Lección 75: Expressing what we used to do in our childhood and adolescent years using the imperfect tense

In today's lesson, we will learn about the imperfect tense to refer to activities that you used to do.

To talk about activities that happened in the past, in Spanish we use el pretérito or/and el imperfecto.  You have already studied the preterite tense to refer to activities that you did or events that happened in the past (presenting those events as completed, done, finished). 

Student's Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:

1.2 Exchange information on a variety of topics concerning daily life including personal relationships, entertainment, shopping, travel, and health.

3.1 Read short, simple texts in the target language and find predictable information and vocabulary in familiar contexts.

-Discuss what I used to do as a child and a teenager. (CO 1,3) 

¿Qué hacer?
1. Lee la Sección 1: La niñez y la adolescencia, en el libro de texto y la Sección 2: el imperfecto.

2. Completa las siguientes actividades:

*Actividad 10. Mi niñez is available also in your textbook, Sección 2: el imperfecto with some minor format differences.

Where you able to guess the grammar rules? Assess whether your guessing was accurate by reading the section 2 again.  Remember, making mistakes is part of the process!

* Read in your book and rewrite the conjugation of the three irregular verbs.

3. Para más práctica, completa estas actividades en Pressbook:
Actividad 12. ¿Con qué frecuencia?
Actividad 13 ¡A personalizar!
Actividad 17. Una entrevista

4. Preguntas para prácticar : Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing and orally.

¿Dónde vívias de niñ@?
¿A qué jugabas?
¿Comías muchos vegetales de niñ@?
¿Eras atlétic@ de niñ@?
¿Con qué frecuencia ibas a la casa de tus abuelos?
¿Con qué frecuencia veías muñequitos?
*muñequitos: cartoons
¿Cuántas veces al año viajabas a otras ciudades o países?

5. Lección 76: Describing ourselves and other during childhood and adolescent years, and referring to past events using the imperfect tense

In today's lesson, you will practice using the imperfect tense to refer to activities that you used to do and how you used to be.

Student's Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:

Students will be able to:

1.3 Present pre-planned personal information and events.

2.1 Identify the main idea of short, simple conversations and narratives (live or recorded material) in the target language, within highly predictable and familiar contexts.

3.1 Read short, simple texts in the target language and find predictable information and vocabulary in familiar contexts.

-Discuss what I used to do as a child and a teenager. (CO 1, 2, 3) 

-Describe myself when I was younger. (CO 1, 2, 3) 

¿Qué hacer?
1. Lee la Sección 1: La niñez y la adolescencia, en el libro de texto y la Sección 2: el imperfecto.

2. Completa las siguientes actividades:

* Actividad 19. Platero y yo is available in your textbook with small modifications

Sobre ti

Instrucciones: Escribe una descripción de tu casa y de ti, cuando eras niñ@.

 ¿Cómo eras de niñ@? 

¿Cómo era tu casa de niñ@?

¿Tenías una mascota? 

¿Cómo se llamaba?

Paso 1: Use the previous description to practice presenting orally pre-planned information.

-When presenting pre-planned information, it helps to write a draft addressing all the points you want to make.
Writing the draft (checkpoints):
Do all my sentences have the verb conjugated in the proper tense and the proper subject?
Did I include all the requested information?
Does the order make sense?
-After you have a draft, practice expressing that information. You could create some index cards,powerpoint to guide your presentation.
Presenting the information orally:
Am I pronouncing the words correctly?
Remmember that:
-the h does not sound in  Spanish
-the v sounds like a b,
-Two lls--such as in ella and lluvia--sound like a j in June
Practice, practice, practice!

3. Para más práctica, completa estas actividades en Pressbook:
Actividad 15. Cierto o Falso
Actividad 16. Yo a esa edad…
Actividad 17. Una entrevista
Actividad 20. La profesora de niña
Actividad 22. La vida estadounidense
Actividad 23. Traducciones

Actividad 24. La hora, el clima, y la edad                                                        Actividad 25. Memorias de la infancia

4. Preguntas para prácticar : Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing and orally.

¿Cómo eras cuándo eras un/un@ niñ@?
¿Cómo era el pelo de tu madre hace 10 años?
¿Cuántos años tenías hace 5 años?
¿Tenías una mascota de niñ@? ¿Cómo er@?

Grammar note:
* As you read in the grammar section, describing how people used to be in the past is done using the imperfect tense. This is due to the fact that the imperfect tense presents events that started in the past without mentioning whether that event/thing has ended or not. Let´s look at the following examples:

1- Bárbara fue una gran persona./She was a great person.
*fue is the verb ser conjugated in the preterite tense

2- Bárbara era una gran persona./She used to be a great person.
*era is the same verb ser conjugated in the imperfect tense

As you might have concluded, in the first example, we are expressing that Bárbara was a great person. Since we are using the preterite tense, we infer that she is not alive anymore (the event of being a person ends with death?)

Therefore, when describing how people used to be or act in the past, we use the imperfect tense. By choosing this, as in the second example, we are expressing that she used to be that way (without mentioning its ending), she might still be that way, or not. It is not important.

Some grammarians call the imperfect tense the present of the past! Why?
-Well, if you want to talk about current events, you use the present tense, including how you are and feel.
1- Now, I am tall. / Ahora soy alta.

-If you want to talk about how you used to be, use the imperfect tense. See it as travelling to the past in your mind and describing how you used to be during those times as if you were seeing yourself (being a current event). Since that started in the past, we have to use a past tense that does not refer to an end.

2- Before, I used to be short. /Antes, yo era baja.

Important Reminders:
5. Complete the Week 14 Discussion on Moodle. In this activity, we will discuss and evaluate content from Chapter 8 (Lessons 72, 73, 74, 75 and 76).
6. Complete the Week 14- Activity-to complete on Moodle.

* All the above activities are due in a week, by Sunday, November 20, 11:59 PM Central Time. They count toward your attendance and participation grade.

6. Lección 77: Referring to events in general terms

In today's lesson, we will practice referring to an event without mentioning who/what did it and to make general statements.

Student's Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:

Students will be able to:

2.1 Identify the main idea of short, simple conversations and narratives (live or recorded material) in the target language, within highly predictable and familiar contexts.

4.3 Ask and answer questions in the target language in a written format.

-Make general impersonal and passive statements. (CO 2, 4) 

¿Qué hacer?
1. Lee la gramática de la Sección 3: La voz pasiva y las generalizaciones,  en el libro de texto.

2. Completa las siguientes actividades:

* La Actividad 26. ¿Sí o no? está en el libro de texto con pequeñas modificaciones de formato.

Parte 2:

Parte 3:

Parte 4:

Parte 5:

* La Actividad 27. ¿La fruta? está en el libro de texto con pequeñas modificaciones.

* La Actividad 28. ¡Sí, se puede! está en el libro de texto con pequeñas modificaciones.

3. Para más práctica, completa estas actividades en Pressbook:
Actividad 29. En mi opinión

4. Preguntas para prácticar : Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing and orally.

¿Qué se come en Japón?
¿Qué idiomas se hablan en España?
¿Dónde se puede comer bien en tu ciudad sin tener que pagar un ojo de la cara?

Do you know
-How to refer to events without mentioning who or what did the action (the passive “se”).
* What conjugation of a verb to use if we are referring to something singular? Would it be the same if we are referring to something plural?
- How to refer to people in general about what one, or you do (the impersonal “se”).
* What conjugation of a verb is needed in this case?

7. Lección 78: Differentiating when to use “por” or “para”

In today's lesson, we will practice how to differentiate the usages of por and para.

Student's Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:

3.1 Read short, simple texts in the target language and find predictable information and vocabulary in familiar contexts.

-Distinguish between situations that require the use of por versus those that require the use of para (CO 3) 

¿Qué hacer?
1. Lee la gramática de la Sección 4: Por y paraen el libro de texto.

2. Completa las siguientes actividades:

Por o Para

Por o Para

3. Para más práctica, completa estas actividades en Pressbook:
Actividad 31. ¿Por qué?
Actividad 33. Por mí / para mí
Actividad 34. ¿Qué  dirías?

4. Preguntas para prácticar : Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing and orally.

¿Para quién compras flores?
¿Qué hay que hacer para sacar buenas notas?
¿Prefieres balarte por la mañana o por la noche?

8. Lección 79: An introduction to Panamá

In today´s lesson, we will continue discovering the wonders of the Spanish-speaking world. This time, we will explore Panama. 

Student's Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:

5.1 Identify cultural terms, values, beliefs, and traditions of the Hispanic world.

-Discuss cultural, geographical, and historical facts about Panama. (CO 5)  

¿Qué hacer?

1. Lee la Sección Cultura: Panamá en el libro de texto.

2. Completa las siguientes actividades:

3. Para más práctica, completa estas actividades en Pressbook:

Actividad 36. Las molas y la cultura Kuna

4. Preguntas para prácticar : Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing and orally.

¿Dónde está Panamá?
¿Cuál es la capital de Panama?
¿Llueve mucho en este país?
¿Qué país financió la construcción del Canal de Panamá?
¿Por qué el Canal de Panamá fue un logro para la economía mundial
fue: to be in the preterite tense
¿Qué se puede hacer en Panamá?
¿Qué son las Molas?
¿Cuáles son algunas de las maravillas geográficas de este país?

9. Lección 80: Reflecting about our Learning

Congratulations on making it to the end of Chapter 8!
In today´s lesson, we will review what we studied in this chapter.

What to do?
1. Lee la Sección : A reflexionar! in the textbook.

2. Completa las siguientes actividades:

The can-do statements en la Sección : A reflexionar! 
3. After, you have identified what you cannot do with the language, go over that chapter content to review and attempt to complete the can-do statements again.
4. Post any questions you might have in our course forum.
5. Complete the Week 15 Discussion. In this activity, we will discuss and evaluate content from Chapter 8 (Lessons 77, 78, 79 and 80).
4. Complete the Chapter 8 Quiz.
* All the above activities are due in a week, by Sunday, November 27, 11:59 PM Central Time. They count toward your attendance and participation grade.

Important Reminders:
Upload your Oral Exam by: December 4th, 2022, 11:59 PM CT
Take your Final Exam on: Friday, December 2nd, 2022, 11:59 PM CT

    10. Lesson 81: Reviewing content from chapter 5-8

    In today´s lesson, we will be reviewing content from chapters five to eight. We have prepared a set of questions and activities to practice identifying vocabulary and expressing in writing and orally specific information.

    First, try to complete these activities without looking at your notes. After, check your textbook and notes to assess the accuracy of your responses.

    * A gentle reminder that your final exam covers content from chapters 1-8 of your textbook. To recall content from those chapters, access the review lessons in module 4.

    ¿Qué hacer?

    1. Completa las siguientes actividades:

    Capítulo 5:

    1- Recall vocabulary related to food.
    2- Discuss meals.
    2.1 Responde a las preguntas:
    ¿Cuál es tu fruta preferida?
    ¿Qué desayunas normalmente?
    ¿A qué hora almuerzas?
    ¿Cuál es tu almuerzo favorito?
    ¿Cuál es una merienda sana?
    ¿Cuál es tu cena favorita?
    3- Anticipate common expressions that are likely to be used in restaurants where Spanish is spoken.
    3.1 Responde a las preguntas de manera lógica:
    Context: You are at a restaurant with some friends
    ¿Cuántas personas son?          
    ¿Deseas algo para tomar? 
    ¿Qué deseas comer?
    4- Manipulate sentences to avoid repetition in conversation and writing.
    4.1 Responde a las preguntas usando el complemento directo
    ¿Quieres una computadora nueva?
    ¿Ves esas bufandas rojas?
    ¿Buscas tu tarjeta de crédito?
    5- Discuss ongoing actions in the present tense:
    Context: Imagine that a friend calls you at night and asks you ¿Qué estás haciendo? and you are doing the following activities:
    5.1 Translate the following sentences to Spanish:
    I am eating dinner with my family.: 
    I am watching a movie.: 
    I am writing a message to my Spanish teacher.: 
    6- Describe my professional goals.
    6.1 Responde a las siguientes preguntas:
    ¿Qué quieres ser? ¿Por qué?
    ¿A qué se dedica tu madre?
    ¿A qué se dedica tu padre?
    ¿Quieres trabajar y estudiar o ser estudiante a tiempo completo?
    7- Apply knowledge of geography and vocabulary relating to nationality to talk about myself and the peoples of the Spanish- speaking world. 
    7.1 Completa las oraciones:
    Una mujer de Cuba es:
    Un hombre de Italia es:
    Dos personas de Colombia son:
    7.2 Responde a las siguientes preguntas:
    ¿De dónde eres?
    ¿Conoces a alguna persona de otro país?
    8- Assess situations to determine whether the verb ser or the verb estar should be used. 
    8.1 Completa las oraciones con ser o estar:
    Tú ____________ de los Estados Unidos pero yo ___________ de Canadá.
    Ella _________________ muy cansada.
    Nosotros ___________ optimistas.
    María ______________ alta aunque su padre ___________ muy bajo.
    El teatro ____________ en la calle San José, al lado de la estación de trenes.
    9- Differentiate between muy, más, and mucho. 
    9.1 Completa las oraciones con muy, más o mucho:
    Ella tiene _________________ mucha tarea.
    Mis profesores son ____________ estrictos.
    Yo quiero comer ___________ helado.
    Hoy hace ____________ sol.
    * 10- Discuss cultural, historical, economical, and geographical information about Costa Rica.
    Capítulo 6:
    11- Recall vocabulary related to health and the human body. 
    12- Express my symptoms in the event of needing medical attention in Spanish. 
    11.1 Responde a las siguientes preguntas:
    ¿Qué tomas si te duele la cabeza?
    ¿Eres alérgic@ a algún medicamento?
    Hoy estoy estornudadno mucho, ¿Qué enfermedad puedo tener?
    Me he cortado el dedo, ¿Qué debo hacer?
    13- Discuss my daily routine.
    13.1 Respond to the question: ¿Qué haces en un día típico?
    Mention: at what time you wake up, go to sleep, how many showers you take, at what time you have lunch and dinner, where you go, any other activities you do.
    14- Distinguish between scenarios that require the use of a reflexive pronoun and those that do not. 
    14.1 Translate the following sentences into Spanish:
    I sleep in a big bed.: 
    I fall asleep at 11 pm.: 
    I wake up at 7 am.: 
    I wake my sister up at 6:30 in the morning.: 
    15- Discuss my favorite hobbies and sports. 
    15.1 Responde a las siguientes preguntas:
    ¿Qué deportes practicas?
    ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito? ¿Por qué?
    16- Recall expressions that use the verb tener
    16.1 Translate the followings statements:
    I am hot in the summer.:
    My mother is 49 years old.:
    I am in a hurry.:
    I have to study this weekend.:
    17- Articulate my responsibilities and obligations in contrast to that which I would like to do instead. 
    17.1 Translate the followings statements:
    I want to go out with my friends, but I have to study.:
    I want to sleep, but I have to do my homework.:
    * 18- Discuss cultural, geographical, and historical facts about Argentina. 
    Capítulo 7:
    19- Differentiate between the verbs saber and conocer to discuss things that are known in different situations.
    19.1 Express in Spanish the equivalent to the following statements:
    I know Paris.:
    I know how to skate.:
    He knows my week schedule.:
    I know the book Romeo and Juliet.:
    I know your brother.:
    20- Manipulate sentences to incorporate indirect object pronouns.
    20.1 Express in Spanish the equivalent to the following statements:
    I bought my grandmother flowers.:
    Andrew invited me to his party.:
    I prepared a cake for my friends.:
    Her best friend dedicated a song to her.:
    21- Express my preferences and other interests using verbs like gustar(

    Fascinar  importar   faltar   quedar   interesar   molestar   aburrir   parecer)

    21.1 Translate:
    We really love watching movies.
    For Carlos it’s important to pass the exam.:
    Spoiled children annoy us.
    22- Assemble sentences using demonstrative adjectives and pronouns to describe the world around me.
    22.1 Completa las oraciones los adjetivos o pronombres posesivos:
    ¿Cuál es tu gorra favorita? ____________. La llevo todos los días. (this one)
    ¿Qué zapatos te gustan más? ____________.  Voy a comprarlos. (these ones)¿Cuáles son las galletas que más te gustan? ____________. Son Marías. (these ones)
    ¿Cuál es tu carro? ____________; el rojo. (that one)
    ¿Qué blusa te gusta más? ____________. Me gusta el color. (that one)
    ¿Qué caramelos buscas? ____________. Son mis favoritos. (those ones)
    ¿Cuáles son tus pinturas favoritas? ____________ Me encantan las pinturas modernas (those ones way over there)
    23- Make comparisons of equality and inequality 
    23.1 Compare yourself with a family member (your mother/your father/a sibling/ etc.). 
    Who is taller?
    Who is less organized?
    Who sleeps more?
    Who is younger?
    24- Analyze a group of people or items and describe the extremes (i.e. tallest, shortest) using superlatives.
    24.1 Compare yourself with members of your family
    Who is tallest of your family?
    Who is the least organized?
    Who is the smartest?
    Who is oldest?
    25- Use the superlative suffix ísimo/a/os/as to add emphasis to characteristics 
    25.1 Express the following statements in Spanish:
    My mother is very organized.
    My brother is very fast.
    I am very mad.
    This exam is very difficult.
    * 26- Discuss cultural, geographical, and historical facts about Perú
    Capítulo 8:
    27- Express completed actions in the past using the preterit tense. 
    27.1 Respond to the following questions in Spanish and in complete sentence:
    What time did you wake up yesterday?
    What is the tittle of the last book you read?
    Did you write many messages last week?
    Did you eat in a Chinese restaurant last Saturday?
    28- Discuss what I used to do as a child and a teenager
    28.1 Respond to the following questions in Spanish and in complete sentence:
    How frequently did you use to visit your grandparents.
    What did you use to do as a child? 
    For example, mention what did you use to play, what did you use to eat? what did you use to watch? etc.
    29- Describe myself when I was younger
    29.1 Descríbete de niñ@
    How were you when you were younger?
    * Mention some physical and personality characteristics
    Did you use to have a pet? What was its name?
    30- Make general impersonal and passive statements
    30.1 Responde a las siguientes preguntas:
    ¿Qué se come en Costa Rica?
    ¿Se venden lápices en una frutería?
    ¿Qué se debe hacer para pasar el examen?
    31- Distinguish between situations that require the use of por versus those that require the use of para:
    31.1 Completa las siguientes oraciones con por o para:
    Yo viví en Francia __________ 8 años.
    Este libro es __________ ti.
    Nosotros viajamos ____________ avión.
    Gracias _____________ ayudarme.
    * 32- Discuss cultural, geographical, and historical facts about Panama. 
    *You should be able to identify and refer to cultural, geographical and historical facts of the following countries (Costa Rica, Argentina, Peru and Panama)
    - Location of this countries
    - Typical food and dance
    - Specific cultural values and products of each country:
    - Geographical places