Capítulo 4
Completion requirements
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
Explain how the last names are used in Spanish speaking countries (CO 5)
Discuss places where people go for different activities, products, and services (CO 1, CO5)
Express actions that will happen in the near future (CO 1, 4)
State prices and dates (CO 1, 4)
Describe my family (CO 1, 2)
Express possession (CO 1, 4)
Discuss daily routine (CO 1, 4)
Discuss cultural, historical, economical, and geographical information about the Dominican Republic (CO 5)
10. Lección 39: Reviewing content from Chapters 1 and 2.
In today´s lesson, we will be reviewing content from chapters one and two. We have prepared a set of questions and activities to practice identifying vocabulary and expressing in writing and orally specific information.
Remember to always carefully review and study the textbook.
First, try to complete these activities without looking at your notes. After, check your textbook and notes to assess the accuracy of your responses.
What to do? / ¿Qué hacer?
1. Completa las siguientes actividades:
Capítulo 1:
2- Discuss what classes you are taking
3. Responde a las preguntas: (in complete sentences if not a list)
List three way to say hello in Spanish
List three ways to say goodbye in Spanish
List greetings in Spanish (morning, afternoon, evening)
List classes you are taking this semester and recall the vocabulary of classes
List the items found in a classroom
¿Cómo te llamas ?
¿Cómo estás?
¿Cuál es la moneda oficial de españa?
¿Te gusta la clase de español?
¿Cuál es la moneda oficial de españa?
¿Te gusta la clase de español?
¿Te gustan las lenguas extranjeras?
Write the correct definite article:
_____ humanidades
_____ mapa
_____ libro
_____ manos
Write the correct indefinite article:
_____ auto
______ silla
______ hombre
Capítulo 2:
1- Recall vocabulary related to emotional and physical conditions; places around campus; days months and seasons; weather conditions, and numbers up to 100
2- Discuss what you are like (using the verb SER) and how you feel (using the verb ESTAR)
3. Responde a las preguntas:
Write the days of the week:
Write the months:
Recall number 0-100
Conjugate the verb ser:
Conjugate the verb estar:
¿De dónde eres?¿Cómo eres?
¿Qué tiempo hace en julio?¿Cuando es tu cumpleaños?