3. Lesson 45: Ordering food in a restaurant

Objective: Anticipate common expressions that are likely to be used in restaurants where Spanish is spoken. (CO 1)

In today´s lesson, we will learn the vocabulary about food. 

Student's Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:

1.1 Ask and answer questions and participate in simple conversations related to real life

1.2 Exchange information on a variety of topics concerning daily life, including personal relationships, entertainment, shopping, travel, and health.

3.1 Read short, simple texts in the target language and find predictable information and vocabulary in familiar contexts.

4.1 Summarize the main idea of written texts.

4.2 Write short compositions in the target language on a variety of familiar topics.

What to do?

1. Read 48 Sección 2: En el restaurante in the textbook.

2. Watch videos below:

Video: Frases para usar en el restaurante

3. Complete the following activities on Moodle:

Actividad 8. Organizar

Actividad 9. ¿Qué puedo llevar a la fiesta?

4. For more practice, complete activities in Pressbooks: 

Actividad 7. El menú del día

Actividad 10. El gazpacho

Actividad 11. A preparar una paella

5. Practice Questions: Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing/orally:

¿Qué frases puedes usar para pedir el menú en un restaurante?

¿Qué frases puedes usar para expresar que deseas comer en un restaurante?

¿Cómo puedes pedir sugerencias en un restaurante?

¿Cuáles son algunas costumbres en los restaurantes América Latina?

6. More activities to practice. 

Actividad. Los ingredientes.