10. Lesson 52: An introduction to Costa Rica

Objective: Discuss cultural, historical, economical, and geographical information about Costa Rica ( CO 5)

In today´s lesson, we will discuss cultural, historical, economical, and geographical information about Costa Rica

Student's Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as stated in our syllabus:

5.1 Identify cultural terms, values, beliefs, and traditions of the Hispanic world.

6.2 Compare and contrast your own culture with the Hispanic culture.

What to do?

1. Read  55. Sección Cultura: Costa Rica in the textbook. 

2. Watch the video below:

3. Complete the following activities on Moodle:

Actividad 41. 

Actividad 42. Costa Rica es única

4. Practice Questions: Now you practice by answering the following questions in writing/orally:

¿Qué conoces de Costa Rica?
Costa Rica es un país rico en cultura y naturaleza. ¿Por qué se puede afirmar esto?
¿Qué son algunos datos interesantes de este país?