Module 7 Discussion Forum
Forum Instructions
In a post below, respond to the following prompt, which assess your thinking in a philosophically informed context.
Please select and respond to one of the following:
Discussion Points:
Social Contract and Government Legitimacy:
- Discuss the concept of the social contract and how it forms the basis for government legitimacy. How do thinkers like Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau envision the relationship between individuals and political authority?
- Analyze the implications of the social contract theory on individual rights, responsibilities, and the consent of the governed.
Justice, Equality, and the Common Good:
- Engage in a dialogue about different theories of justice and their applications to societal structures. How does Rawls' "veil of ignorance" contribute to the idea of a just society? What challenges and possibilities arise from prioritizing the common good over individual interests?
Power, Resistance, and Social Change:
- Delve into the dynamics of power within socio-political contexts. How do Foucault and Arendt conceptualize power? Explore instances of resistance and social change, and discuss how these ideas can inform contemporary movements and actions.
Your [first] post is due on [day of week] by [time] CST. Your response to another student is due on [day of week] by [time] CST. [Adjust for number of posts required.]
Your response should be at least [length requirement in words, sentences, or paragraphs] long. This includes responses to other students' posts. [Include previous sentence if necessary.] A simple “I agree” or “Yes” or “LOL” will not count. Please think about the questions and your peers' responses and reply thoughtfully and courteously, according to netiquette rules. Use good English grammar, correct punctuation, and complete sentences. While the posts will mostly be judged by their thoughtfulness and completeness, I reserve the right to take off points for grammatical errors, especially if they interfere with the clarity of the post.
Activity completion: You can select completion criteria and an expected completed date.