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Module 1: Introduction to Public Speaking URL Chapter 1: Why Public Speaking Matters Today
URL Chapter 2: Building Confidence
URL Chapter 4: The Importance of Listening
Folder PowerPoints

Chapters 1, 2, and 4 PowerPoints

Module 2: Focusing on Your Audience URL Chapter 3: Audience Analysis
URL Chapter 5: Ethics
Folder PowerPoints

Chapter 3 and 5 PowerPoints

Module 3: Speaking to Celebrate URL Chapter 15: Special Occasion Speaking
Folder PowerPoints

Chapter 15 Powerpoints

Module 4: Researching Your Speech URL Chapter 7: Supporting Ideas and Building Arguments
URL Chapter 6: Researching Your Speech
Folder PowerPoints

Chapter 5, 6, and 7 PowerPoints

Module 5: Putting Your Speech Together URL Chapter 8: Organizing and Outlining
URL Chapter 10: Introductions and Conclusions
Folder PowerPoints

Chapter 8 and 10 PowerPoints

Module 6: Informative and Online Speeches URL Chapter 13 Informative Speaking
URL Chapter 16: Online Public Speaking
Folder PowerPoints

Chapter 13 and 16 PowerPoints

Module 7: Beyond Structure, Adding the Speaker to the Speech URL Chapter 9: Delivery
URL Chapter 11: Language
URL Chapter 12: Presentation Aids
Folder PowerPoints

Chapter 9, 11, and 12 PowerPoint

Module 8: Persuasive Speeches URL Chapter 14: Persuasive Speaking
Folder PowerPoints

Chapter 14 PowerPoints