Capítulo 8
Completion requirements
In this chapter, I will:
Express completed actions in the past using the preterit tense. (CO 1,3, 4)
Discuss what I used to do as a child and a teenager. (CO 1, 2, 3)
Describe myself when I was younger. (CO 1, 2, 3)
Make general impersonal and passive statements. (CO 2, 4)
Distinguish between situations that require the use of por versus those that require the use of para (CO 3)
Discuss cultural, geographical, and historical facts about Panama. (CO 5)
9. Lección 80: Reflecting about our Learning
Congratulations on making it to the end of Chapter 8!
In today´s lesson, we will review what we studied in this chapter.
What to do?
1. Lee la Sección : A reflexionar! in the textbook.
2. Completa las siguientes actividades:
The can-do statements en la Sección : A reflexionar!
In today´s lesson, we will review what we studied in this chapter.
What to do?
1. Lee la Sección : A reflexionar! in the textbook.
2. Completa las siguientes actividades:
The can-do statements en la Sección : A reflexionar!
3. After, you have identified what you cannot do with the language, go over that chapter content to review and attempt to complete the can-do statements again.
4. Post any questions you might have in our course forum.
5. Complete the Week 15 Discussion. In this activity, we will discuss and evaluate content from Chapter 8 (Lessons 77, 78, 79 and 80).
4. Complete the Chapter 8 Quiz.
* All the above activities are due in a week, by Sunday, November 27, 11:59 PM Central Time. They count toward your attendance and participation grade.
Important Reminders:
Upload your Oral Exam by: December 4th, 2022, 11:59 PM CT
Take your Final Exam on: Friday, December 2nd, 2022, 11:59 PM CT