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Page For Instructors: Testing

Capítulo 1: Sobre mí Book Capítulo 1

Objectives: By the end of this chapter, the learner will be able to 

      1. Recall what Latin@ or Hispanic means (CO 5) 2. 

      2. Greet and say goodbye to another person (CO 1)

      3. Introduce myself, and others, to another person (CO 1)

      4. Spell out words (CO 4)

      5. List what classes I’m currently taking (CO 4)

      6. Express what there is in my classroom (CO 4)

      7. Identify definite and indefinite articles for nouns (CO 3)

      8. Discuss cultural, geographical, and historical facts about Spain (CO 5)

URL Pressbooks Chapter 1 Link

Click the following link to go to Chapter 1 in Pressbooks

Capítulo 2: ¿Cómo somos? Book Capítulo 2

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

    1. Explain where you are from (CO 1)

    2. Describe myself and others (CO 1, 4)

    3. Identify weather conditions and seasons (CO 2,3) 

    4. Indicate how I feel (CO 1,4) 

    5. Express where people or places around campus are located (CO 1, 4) 

    6. Express possession and what I have (CO 1,4) 

    7. Relate information about Hispanics in the United States (CO 5)

    8. Discuss cultural, geographical, and historical facts about Chile (CO 5)

URL Pressbooks Chapter 2 Link

Click the following link to go to Chapter 2 in Pressbooks

Capítulo 3: Nuestra Rutina Book Capítulo 3

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
  1. Discuss everyday activities (CO 1)
  2. Express obligation and necessity  (CO 1)
  3. Ask and provide information  (CO 1)
  4. Describe likes, dislikes, and preferences  (CO 1, 4)
  5. Discuss cultural, historic, economic, and geographic information about Mexico (CO 5)

URL Pressbooks Chapter 3 Link

Click the following link to go to Chapter 2 in Pressbooks

Capítulo 4: Mi familia Book Capítulo 4

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

    1. Explain how the last names are used in Spanish speaking countries (CO 5)

    2. Discuss places where people go for different activities, products, and services (CO 1, CO5) 

    3. Express actions that will happen in the near future (CO 1, 4)

    4. State prices and dates (CO 1, 4)

    5. Describe my family (CO 1, 2) 

    6. Express possession (CO 1, 4) 

    7. Discuss daily routine (CO 1, 4)

    8. Discuss cultural, historical, economical, and geographical information about the Dominican Republic (CO 5) 

URL Pressbooks Chapter 4 Link
Capítulo 5:¡A Comer! Book Capítulo 5. ¡A Comer!

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

  1. Recall vocabulary related to food. (CO 1, 4)

  2. Discuss meals. (CO 1)

  3. Anticipate common expressions that are likely to be used in restaurants where Spanish is spoken. (CO 1)

  4. Manipulate sentences to avoid repetition in conversation and writing. (CO 3, 4)

  5. Discuss ongoing actions in the present tense. (CO 1, 4)

  6. Describe my professional goals. (CO 1, 4)

  7. Apply knowledge of geography and vocabulary relating to nationality to talk about myself and the peoples of the Spanish- speaking world. (CO 5)

  8. Assess situations to determine whether the verb ser or the verb estar should be used. (CO 2, 3) 

  9. Differentiate between muy, más, and mucho. (CO 1, 2,3,4) 

  10. Discuss cultural, historical, economical, and geographical information about Costa Rica ( CO 5)

URL Pressbooks Chapter 5 Link

Click the following link to go to Chapter 5 in Pressbooks

Capítulo 6: La Salud y los deportes Book Capítulo 6

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

  1. Recall vocabulary related to health and the human body. (CO 2) 

  2. Express my symptoms in the event of needing medical attention in Spanish. (CO 1)

  3. Discuss my daily routine. (CO 1,4) 

  4. Distinguish between scenarios that require the use of a reflexive pronoun and those that do not. (CO 1, 4)

  5. Discuss my favorite hobbies and sports. (CO 1, 3)

  6. Recall expressions that use the verb tener. (CO 1)

  7. Articulate my responsibilities and obligations in contrast to that which I would like to do instead. (CO 1)

  8. Discuss cultural, geographical, and historical facts about Argentina. (CO 5)  

URL Pressbooks Chapter 6 Link

Click the following link to go to Chapter 6 in Pressbooks

Capítulo 7: ¿Qué te fascina? Book Capítulo 7

In this chapter, I will:

  1. Differentiate between the verbs saber and conocer to discuss things that are known in different situations (CO 1, 4)

  2. Manipulate sentences to incorporate indirect object pronouns (CO 1, 4) 

  3. Express my preferences and other interests using verbs like gustar (CO 1, 4)

  4. Assemble sentences using demonstrative adjectives and pronouns to describe the world around me (CO 1,4) 

  5. Make comparisons of equality and inequality (CO 1, 4) 

  6. Analyze a group of people or items and describe the extremes (ie. tallest, shortest) using superlatives (CO 1, 3, 4)

  7. Use the superlative suffix ísmo/a/os/as to add emphasis to characteristics (CO 1,4) 

  8. Discuss cultural, geographical, and historical facts about Perú (CO 5) 

URL Pressbooks Chapter 7 Link

Click the following link to go to Chapter 7 in Pressbooks

Capítulo 8: La niñez y la adolescencia Book Capítulo 8

In this chapter, I will:

  1. Express completed actions in the past using the preterit tense. (CO 1,3, 4)

  2. Discuss what I used to do as a child and a teenager. (CO 1, 2, 3) 

  3. Describe myself when I was younger. (CO 1, 2, 3) 

  4. Make general impersonal and passive statements. (CO 2, 4) 

  5. Distinguish between situations that require the use of por versus those that require the use of para (CO 3) 

  6. Discuss cultural, geographical, and historical facts about Panama. (CO 5) 

URL Pressbooks Chapter 8 Link

Final Exam/Final Project Module Page Exam Information and Instructions
Page Instructions for Adding the Final Assessment

INSTRUCTORS: Read this page for information about adding a final assessment. Delete or hide this page before course launches.