Topic outline

  • ¡Bienvenidos!

    Welcome to Elementary Spanish I!

    Course Introduction

    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    1. SPEAK Spanish in order to describe, narrate a series of events, and ask and answer questions in the present tense about everyday topics.
    2. LISTEN AND COMPREHEND Spanish in both spontaneous and recorded media formats in order to carry out daily tasks.
    3. READ AND UNDERSTAND text in order to respond to questions and make decisions based on the readings.
    4. WRITE sentences and paragraphs on familiar topics in order to communicate personal needs.
    5. COMPARE and CONTRAST the target culture, both Western and non-Western, with your own through developing cultural awareness of Spanish-speaking countries and/or communities. 

    Navigating the Course
    Adopting institution should provide learners information on how to navigate the course. Consider adding an introductory navigation video. Text description could include, for example:

    This course is set up in Modules covering various topics which may be accessed from the course navigation menu on the left or by scrolling below. Modules may be collapsed in the menu and it the body of the course to minimize scrolling. Each module includes the relevant chapters followed by various activities, which may include discussion forums, listening activities and quizzes, practice quizzes, module tests, and other relevant activities as appropriate for each module. Many items are required and may be marked as completed automatically when the activity has been submitted (the broken check box), but others will marked as done by the student (the solid check box). 

    Please move through the items below and continue through the Learner Support and Getting Started modules before moving on to Module 1. Be sure to check for announcements and due dates to stay on track.

    Creative Commons attribution license This course and its contents are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License by LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network, except where otherwise noted. 
  • Learner Support

  • Getting Started

    This module contains all the items you should review and complete before you begin Module 1. Before moving on, be sure to:
    1. Check the News and Announcements Forum
    2. Read the Course Syllabus
    3. Introduce yourself to the class
    4. Read the instructions for the Q & A Forum
    Good luck in the course!
    • Forum icon

      Use this forum to tell us a little about yourself and your interests. Some topic ideas:

        1. What is your field of study/research interest or concentration?
        2. What are you most interested in learning about in this class and why?
        3. Have you ever taken an online class before?
        4. Any other information you would like to share with your classmates, such as special interests or activities.

      Post a picture!  We look forward to meeting you.

    • Forum icon

      Use this forum to ask your instructor any questions you have about the course. You may post at any time, and your instructor will respond here. Be as specific as possible.

      Please keep in mind that others can see your posts, so do not post any personal information. If you have questions about your grade, please email your instructor directly. You can expect a response to posts and emails within 24 hours, next business day on Weekends and Holidays. 

    • File icon

      To get familiar with the characteristics of this course, goals, evaluation system, required textbook, tentative schedule, etc., download and read your syllabus.

  • FOR INSTRUCTORS: Using This Template and Additional Resources

    Use the information in this module to customize the template to your needs. This module is currently hidden from students, and available for you to refer to throughout the semester.

  • Capítulo 1: Sobre mí

    A group of friends studying

    "People Students" by Naassom Azevedo, Pixabay is in the Public Domain, CC0.

    In chapter 1, “Sobre mí,” we will dive right in, using Spanish to talk about our immediate context: introductions, greetings, and goodbyes. You will be able to share a little about yourself and learn about your classmates and instructors in order to better know the people you’ll be working with. As we continue in the chapter, you’ll talk with classmates about your classes.  Some grammatical skills you will work on to support these conversations include definite and indefinite articles, the gender and number of nouns, and verbs such as haber to describe what you see in the classroom.

    Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

      1. Get familiar with what Latin@ or Hispanic means (CO 5)

      2. Greet and say goodbye to another person (CO 1)

      3. Introduce myself, and others, to another person (CO 1)

      4. Spell out words (CO 4)

      5. List what classes I’m currently taking (CO 4)

      6. Express what there is in my classroom (CO 4)

      7. Identify definite and indefinite articles for nouns (CO 3)

      8. Discuss cultural, geographical and historical facts about Spain (CO 5)

    To achieve these objectives: 

    1. Read the Module 1 Introduction
    2. Read and view the materials in the Module 1 Pressbooks book
    3. Read Chapter #1 in Elementary Spanish I.
    4. Complete the chapter activities.

    Note the check boxes to the right that help you track your progress: some are automatic, and some are manual. 

    Module Pressbooks Resources and Activities

    You will find the following resources and activities in this module at the Pressbooks website. Click on the links below to access or complete each item.

    Elementary Spanish Chapter 1

  • Capítulo 2: ¿Cómo somos?

    Group of friends standing together

    Welcome to chapter 2, “¿Cómo somos?” In chapter 1, you began learning about your classmates, your school, and your classes. You also learned how to introduce yourself and say goodbye in a formal and informal way. In chapter 2, you will continue sharing more about yourself and learning more about your classmates. You will begin by learning more vocabulary to describe yourself and the people who are important to you.

    Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

      1. Explain where you am from (CO 1)

      2. Describe myself and others (CO 1, 4)

      3. Identify weather conditions and seasons (CO 2,3) 

      4. Indicate how I feel (CO 1,4) 

      5. Express where people or places around campus are located (CO 1, 4) 

      6. Express possession and what I have (CO 1,4) 

      7. Relate information about Hispanics in the United States (CO 5)

      8. Discuss cultural, geographical, and historical facts about Chile (CO 5)

    To achieve these objectives: 

    1. Read the Module 2 Introduction
    2. Read and view the materials in the Module 2 Pressbooks book
    3. Read Chapter 2 in Elementary Spanish
    4. Complete the activities in Chapter 2

    Module Pressbooks Resources and Activities

    You will find the following resources and activities in this module at the Pressbooks website. Click on the links below to access or complete each item.

    • Book icon
    • URL icon

      Click the following link to go to Chapter 2 in Pressbooks

    • Forum icon
    • Assignment icon
    • Forum icon
    • Assignment icon
    • Forum icon
    • Assignment icon
    • Forum icon
    • Assignment icon
    • Quiz icon

      This is a comprehensive quiz that evaluates content from Chapter 2.

      Part I: Writing activities

      Part II: Grammar/Vocabulary

      Part III: Reading

      Total points: 100

      Students will be able to:

      3.1 Read short, simple texts in the target language and find predictable information and vocabulary in familiar contexts.

      4.1 Summarize the main idea of written texts.

      4.2 Write short compositions in the target language on a variety of familiar topics.

      4.3 Ask and answer questions in the target language in a written format.

      Quiz is open from Monday 8 a.m. – Sunday 11:59 p.m. for 60 minutes. 

  • Capítulo 3: Nuestra Rutina

    Diverse groups of individuals walking down the street

    Welcome to chapter 3, “Qué hacemos.”  In this chapter you will describe the way you and others live and examine how daily activities can reflect culture and other values. You will begin by sharing some of your daily habits and routines with classmates. Afterward, you will reflect on how those daily routines may or may not be representative of your values, perspective, or culture. Finally, you will discuss what parts of your routine are important to you and what parts you hope to change. You will talk with classmates about what prevents you from living the life you want to live and discuss how some of those obstacles might be addressed. As always, you will build vocabulary and grammar skills to help you express yourself and understand what others share

    Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
    1. Discuss everyday activities (CO 1)
    2. Express obligation and necessity  (CO 1)
    3. Ask and provide information  (CO 1)
    4. Describe likes, dislikes, and preferences  (CO 1, 4)
    5. Discuss cultural, historic, economic, and geographic information about Mexico (CO 5)

        To achieve these objectives: 

        1. Read the Module 3 Introduction
        2. Read and view the materials in the Module  Pressbooks book
        3. Read Chapter 3 in Elementary Spanish I
        4. Complete the activities in Chapter 3

        Module Pressbooks Resources and Activities

        You will find the following resources and activities in this module at the Pressbooks website. Click on the links below to access or complete each item.

        • Book icon
        • URL icon

          Click the following link to go to Chapter 3 in Pressbooks

        • Forum icon
        • Assignment icon
        • Forum icon
        • Assignment icon
        • Forum icon
        • Assignment icon
        • Quiz icon

          This is a comprehensive quiz that evaluates content from Chapter 3.

          4 parts

          Part I: Writing activities

          Part II: Grammar/Vocabulary

          Part III: Listening

          Part IV: Reading

          Total points: 100


          1.2 Exchange information on a variety of topics concerning daily life including personal relationships, entertainment, shopping, travel, and health.

          3.1 Read short, simple texts in the target language and find predictable information and vocabulary in familiar contexts.

          5.2 Demonstrate continued developing awareness of cultural values, beliefs, and ideologies of the Hispanic world.

          Quiz is open from Monday 8 a.m. – Sunday 11:59 p.m. for 60 minutes. (instructor can modify this information as needed)

      1. Capítulo 4: Mi familia

        four diverse families

        Welcome to chapter 4 “Mi familia”. In chapter 3 you learned to describe the way you and others live and examined how daily activities can reflect culture and other values. In chapter 4 you will continue sharing some of your daily habits and routines with classmates. Afterward, you will reflect on how those daily routines may or may not be representative of your values, perspective, or culture. Also, you will discuss your plans with family and friends and activities you like to do.  You will talk with classmates about your family and relatives. As always, you will build vocabulary and grammar skills to help you express yourself and understand what others share

        Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

          1. Explain how the last names are used in Spanish speaking countries (CO 5)

          2. Discuss places where people go for different activities, products, and services (CO 1, CO5) 

          3. Express actions that will happen in the near future (CO 1, 4)

          4. State prices and dates (CO 1, 4)

          5. Express my likes and dislikes (CO 1, 4)

          6. Describe my family (CO 1, 2) 

          7. Express possession (CO 1, 4) 

          8. Discuss daily routine (CO 1, 4)

          9. Discuss cultural, historical, economical, and geographical information about the Dominican Republic (CO 5) 

        To achieve these objectives: 

        1. Read the Module 4 Introduction 
        2. Read and view the materials in the Module 4 Pressbooks book
        3. Read Chapter 4 in Elementary Spanish I
        4. Complete the activities in Chapter 4

        Module Pressbooks Resources and Activities

        You will find the following resources and activities in this module at the Pressbooks website. Click on the links below to access or complete each item.

        • Book icon
        • URL icon

          Click the following link to go to Chapter 4 in Pressbooks

        • Forum icon
        • Assignment icon
        • Forum icon
        • Assignment icon
        • H5P icon

          Practice family vocabulary

        • Forum icon
        • Assignment icon
        • H5P icon

          Practice stem changing verbs

        • Quiz icon
        • Assignment icon
          Opened: Thursday, 21 July 2022, 12:00 AM
          Due: Sunday, 4 December 2022, 12:00 AM

          Oral Exam Guidelines

          ORAL EXAM: The oral exam assesses your communication skills in the topics covered during our course as states in the Course Goals bellow:

          COURSE GOALS: 

          SPEAK Spanish in order to describe, narrate, and ask and answer questions about everyday topics (CO1).

          1.3 Present pre-planned personal information and events. (SLOs)

          DEVELOP cultural awareness of Spanish speaking countries and/or communities (CO5).

          5.1 Identify cultural terms, values, beliefs, and traditions of the Hispanic world. (SLOs)

          The Oral Exam is a recorded oral presentation in Spanish with a duration of up to three minutes. To prepare for this assessment, read these guidelines. You will be evaluated based on your performance with the rubric included at the end of this document.

          Format and turning the assessment in

          The Oral Exam is due by December 4th, 2022

          You need to record/upload a video on Moodle. If you will be using these guidelines to remind yourself what information to cover, you will need to show it to your instructor at the beginning of the video (hold the paper close to the camera). Please, be properly dressed as if you were in a face-to-face meeting.

          * If the video is too big, it will not upload. Double check that it is submitted on Moodle before the due date. If you cannot upload the video, you have the following options in order of preference:

          1- Share it with me on Google Drive.

          2- Post it on YouTube and send me a private link.

          3- Send it to my email

          Allowed Materials during the presentation

          You might have access to these guidelines when presenting as a reminder of the topics you should cover. You will not have access to any supporting material such as the responses to the questions of these guidelines, flashcards, notes, books, etc. You need to know how to provide this information by memory.

          Materials to prepare

          To prepare for your presentation, use your textbook, your instructor feedback on exams, quizzes, class notes, etc.

          Do not translate whole sentences with an online translator. Instead, use online dictionaries such as to look up specific words.

          * Your instructor can ask you to retake the exam face to face if the quality of the video is not good, there is bad illumination, unnatural speed or tone of voice, video editing, etc.

          You can practice as many times as you want, but make sure to upload the video you want your instructor to grade. You will be graded based on your performance.

          What to include in your oral presentation?


          • Greet your instructor
          • Express how you feel today


          • Where are you from?
          • Say what the weather is like outside today where you are. 
          • Describe yourself using at least 2 adjectives and the verb ser.


          • What are some of your daily activities (use regular -ar, -er, -ir verbs)
          • What are some things you like to do and some things you don't like to do? (use gustar)
          • What are some things you have to do this week? (use tener que + inf)


          • Identify and describe three members of your family
          • State their name, age, and physical description 
          • Include at least two stem changing verbs


          Conjugate the verb based on the subject of your sentence

          Conjugate your verb in the tense you are referring to (present, present progressive, future, past tense: preterite or imperfect)

          When using nouns or adjectives, use their proper gender and number

          Use complete sentences to convey your ideas

          Use an online dictionary such as to look up specific words


          This attached rubric will be used to evaluate your performance. 

          Maximum grade: 25 points